
External Advisory Committee visits University of Minnesota for annual review meeting

March 13, 2017

On March 7-8, the SRN's External Advisory Committee (EAC) met with lead faculty and staff in Minneapolis. The EAC, led by Raj Rajan from Ecolab, has members from industry, government and academia who review the Network's progress.Faculty presented research results and outreach activities from the past year, and the EAC provided feedback on how the Network can further be improved. This feedback will be given to the National Science Foundation as well.
More information about the EAC can be found here.
from left to right: Sarah French, Sharon Roerty, Tannie Eshenaur, Judith Qualters, Robert Johns, Paige Novak, Armistead Russell, Anu Ramaswami, Patricia Culligan, Raj Rajan, Angie Fyfe, Shaoyi Li, John Abraham, Tim Hillman, Katja Kruit