Kim, S. (2020). Institutional arrangements and airport solar PV. Energy Policy, 143, August 2020, 111536.
ABSTRACT: Combining a unique dataset of 488 public airports and interviews with managers and stakeholders at four airports in the United States, this study investigates how airports’ institutional arrangements shape their solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment decisions. The findings indicate that airports operated by general-purpose governments (i.e., city, county, or state governments) are more likely to deploy solar PV than airports operated by special-purpose governments (i.e., port or airport authorities). Airports more involved in the professional associations (e.g., the American Association of Airport Executives) are also more likely to deploy solar PV, but this relationship is stronger for special-purpose airports. Additionally, airport solar PV is less likely to appear in the service area of cooperatives than in the service area of investor-owned utilities. These findings help policymakers understand how airport governance, utility ownership, and involvement in professional associations may promote or hinder renewable energy transitions at airports and other large publicly used properties.