Education, Diversity and Workforce Development
Outreach, training, and education
The SRN will anchor innovative educational programs offered across the whole network that will engage students, practitioners, and the public-at-large in hands-on, action-oriented learning in various cities. Our planned activities include:

- An innovative interdisciplinary graduate certificate program on Integrated Infrastructure Solutions for Sustainable, Healthy and Livable Cities – for students at all nine SRN universities, connecting environmental sciences, infrastructure engineering, urban planning, social sciences, public affairs, and public health.
- The certificate will include an opening Fall interdisciplinary research workshop, an online Spring course on measuring environmental, health and livability (EHL) that will be offered across the network, and a hands-on summer school exploring infrastructure solutions in our partner cities. The certificate will connect graduate students across all SRN partner universities with K-12 Teachers and classrooms.
- The summer school component of the certificate will engage Native American students from a network of tribal colleges from the undergraduate level to graduate degrees.
- Professional Training workshops on design and implementation of coupled social-infrastructural solutions, to be held annually, in collaboration with our industry, city and policy partner organizations (listed on the Policy & Action page).
Educational partners

- All nine SRN universities
- Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics & Computing (CEISMC), Georgia Institute of Technology
- North Star STEM Alliance
- American Geoscience Alliance
- Research Experience for Undergraduates on Sustainable Land and Water Resources
- STEM Education Center, University of Minnesota