What food is already being produced in and around cities in the United States? How does current food production in a given metropolitan area compare to household demand for key food products in that same metropolitan area? These are important starting point questions that need to be answered in order to scientifically evaluate whether increased local food production in a given city is a relevant sustainability action that should be prioritized. This study answers the above noted questions for 377 metropolitan areas in the US. The study introduces a standard methodology for quantifying the extent of current local food production and household demand for specific food products (fruits, vegetables, dairy, and eggs). The results can inform better design of local food policy initiatives as well as future sustainable urban food systems at large.
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This brief is adapted from the following peer-reviewed journal articles: Nixon, P. & Ramaswami, A. (2018). Assessing Current Local Capacity for Agrifood Production to meet Household Demand: Analyzing Select Food Commodities across 377 US Metropolitan Areas. Environmental Science & Technology.